About Me


My name is Yifei Wang, and I am a master student in Interdisciplinary Data Science at Duke and a data scientist in progress. I have a passion for math, puzzle-solving and efficiencies. I enjoy diving deep into a problem and producing clear and concise root causes. I am driven by a natural curiosity, sparking creativity to solve problems. I care about the right solution and develop processes with ever increasing efficiency and throughput.

I believe in the power of analyzing data in terms of optimizing business decisions, especially when it comes with accessible context. I see data scientist work as an exploration of an intact land and I consider myself as a “collaborative but critical explorer”. I am collaborative in actively sharing my ideas and constantly learning new skills from others, and critical in validating every information by myself without taking them for granted.

In my former position, my company has built a highly interpretable rule-based text model for fashion domain, but it needs tremendous efforts for manually generating rules. I observed that they were hindered by this problem for expanding their business to new domains, so I implemented an unsupervised topic model that automated the process of rule generation. As far as I know, they are still using my pipeline and satisfied with the results.

I will be graduating in May 2020, and I am actively seeking full-time data-related opportunities now. Reach out to yifei.wang828@duke.edu to connect!

my cat Chichi me at Banff
Chichi and me at Banff, AB.

I love cats, pixel arts, vedio games, snowboarding and more. Also feel free to follow me on the social accounts!